Tuesday, February 23, 2016

DIY Polka Dot Mug

Hello everyone! It's been awhile! So recently, I have been working on my Silver Award project for Girl Scouts. This is the highest award that a Girl Scout Cadette (6th - 8th grade) can earn, and I'm very excited about it! To obtain this award, one must put 50 hours of their personal time towards a lasting project that helps out a community, school, etc. My project, which I am completing with some of my oldest friends Tess and Kelly, is going to help a local children's hospital by creating and donating multiple books full of crafts and DIY's. And the best news is that nearly all of those crafts will be featured on my blog! So far I've only gotten 12 hours done, and as you can guess, I have a lot more work to do. But for now, please enjoy my newest post on how to make a simple yet adorable polka dot mug!

What you will need:
-Mug (preferably white)
-Acrylic Sharpie of any color (we chose gold)
-An oven

Step One: Using your Sharpie, carefully draw a design on your mug. You can create any pattern that you want, but my friends and I chose to do polka dots.

Step Two: Draw around the rim of the mug. This isn't necessary, but it definitely adds a nice touch.

And that's it! I know this post wasn't as extravagant as some of my others, but this craft is definitely worth trying! Be sure to bake the mug for around 30 minutes at 350°F to ensure that your sharpie is set in.What's most exciting about this post (to me at least) is that it's going to be the first featured in my Girl Scout book! Yay! Be sure to try it out and tell me if you like the outcome of this as much as my friends and I did! And always remember: Stay crafty!


  1. Is it safe to drink out of with the sharpie ring around the brim?

    1. It's safe if you bake it, as I said. If you're still worried about drinking out of it, the possibilities of a mug are endless! I'm sure they have more than one use, haha.
